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Be careful, do not just choose male fertility drugs

Many ways are usually done by a husband and wife to get offspring. One of them is taking male fertility drugs. However, be careful and should ask for a doctor's recommendation before taking the drug. Male fertility drugs are consumed when problems arise in the reproductive organs to experience problems of infertility or male infertility. A married couple can be said to experience infertility if they do not get offspring, even though it has been more than 12 months to make an effort to achieve pregnancy by having sex without contraception. Male infertility is generally caused by impaired sperm production or function, as well as the presence of other underlying chronic illnesses and health problems.

Male Fertility Medication and Supporting Supplements

The most effective way to take male fertility drugs is to ask for recommendations from doctors. One of the fertility drugs for men is human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Actually, hCG is naturally only found in a woman's body. However, the form of the hCG drug given to men by injection is known to increase testosterone production. In addition, male fertility drugs that can be used are follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) which functions to stimulate sperm production. Actually the male body produces this hormone naturally. It's just that the FSH injection can help improve this function. In addition to hCG and FSH drugs that are given by injection, the doctor may help patients with the help of supplements. Some supplements that show potential benefits in improving sperm quality include:
  • Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA)
  • Anthocyanin
  • Astaxanthin
  • Beta carotene
  • Inositol
  • Biotin
  • Cobalamin
  • Co-enzyime Q10
  • Glutathione
  • Arginine
  • L-acetyl carnitine
  • L-carnitine
  • Lycopene
  • Magnesium
  • Vitamins A, C, D and E
In general, supplements that are given to increase fertility are antioxidants, which are known to have many good benefits for the body, especially in counteracting the effects of free radicals, one of which is the effect on male fertility, which is still being investigated. However, before taking drugs or supplementary supplements, you still need to consult with your doctor about the recommended supplements first. It is not recommended to use male fertility drugs or other supplements that you do not know about the ingredients and side effects.

Other Factors That Can Increase Male Fertility

For those of you who want to have children, there are some simple steps that can improve male fertility, including:
  • Eat healthy food

  • Fruits and vegetables such as apples, bananas, oranges, broccoli, asparagus, tomatoes, red sweet potatoes and antioxidant-rich beans can improve sperm quality.
  • Maintain ideal body weight

  • Several studies have shown that weight can affect sperm count and movement. You can maintain your weight by exercising regularly. Exercise can maximize the body's metabolism and increase antioxidant enzymes, which are known to protect sperm.
  • Manage stress

  • Several studies have shown that stress can also reduce sexual function and interfere with work and reproductive hormone production. To reduce this, try to manage stress well, make a priority scale in solving problems and don't hesitate to share stories about the concerns faced with those closest to you.
  • Prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

  • Sexually transmitted infections such as chlamydia and gonorrhea are the main causes of infertility for men. Avoid sexual conduct that has a high risk such as changing partners or not using condoms as a safety.
In addition to the above, stop smoking, and limit consumption of alcoholic beverages. This is important to maintain the quality and quantity of sperm. Smoking and alcoholic beverages are among the causes of infertility in men because they can reduce testosterone production, reduce sperm production and weaken sperm motions, and even cause impotence. No less important, rest with enough minimum sleep 6-8 hours per day. Perform the steps above thoroughly to maintain a healthy lifestyle that can help you increase fertility. Make sure your male fertility medication is safe. Consult with a doctor before taking it. If male fertility drugs don't show results, do a fertility check with your partner.


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