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Beware of the Dangers of Tetanus Neonatorum in Newborns

Tetanus Neonatorum is a disease that occurs in newborns. Generally, this disease occurs in rural or remote areas, because labor equipment is not sterile. Early prevention of tetanus neonatorum takes precedence over treatment, because the death rate of patients with tetanus neonatorum is very high.

Causes of Tetanus Neonatorum

The main cause of tetanus is the bacterium Clostridium tetani, which is a bacterium that produces neurotoxin toxins and attacks the central nervous system. These bacteria are commonly found in soil, dust, and animal feces, and can enter the body through scratches, tears or puncture wounds caused by contaminated objects. In newborns, tetanus neonatorum is caused by these bacteria entering the baby's body through unhygienic labor practices, such as cutting the umbilical cord with non-sterile tools. The risk of infants suffering from tetanus neonatorum is generally increased because the mother is not protected by the tetanus toxoid (TT) vaccine during pregnancy. This risk increases not only in infants, but also in the mother. Some other risk factors for tetanus neonatorum include:
  • The birth process at home with tools that are not sterile.
  • Exposure to materials that have the potential to transmit tetani bacteria to locations or tools used for labor or to treat umbilical cords, such as soil or mud.
  • History of tetanus neonatorum that occurred in previous children.

Knowing Symptoms Arising

Some symptoms that may be caused if the baby is infected with tetanus neonatorum include:
  • The baby's jaw and facial muscles tighten on the 2-3 day after birth.
  • The baby's mouth feels stiff as if locked and the baby cannot breastfeed.
  • Spasm or rigid body muscles that cause the baby's body to stiffen or look curved backward.
  • Seizures are triggered by sound, light or when touched.
If not treated as soon as possible, can make the baby no longer able to breathe. Most infant deaths due to tetanus neonatorum occur between days 3-28 after birth. Although currently the number of cases of tetanus neonatorum has decreased, but this case remains a concern of doctors and midwives in dealing with newborns.

Early Prevention of Tetanus Neonatorum

Prevention is commonly done is the provision of TT vaccination for pregnant women, which is useful as body protection from tetanus. The doctor will give the first dose at the age of the third trimester of pregnancy. The second dose is given at least four weeks after the first. The World Health Organization (WHO), also recommends a third vaccine be given six months after the second dose, to provide protection for at least five years. Apart from using vaccines, sterile medical procedures and deliveries in hospitals can prevent babies from getting tetanus neonatorum. This is because most babies who die of tetanus neonatorium are caused by childbirth at home without adequate sterile procedures and an unclean environment. Placement of village midwives in the work area of ​​the Puskesmas is also one of the efforts of the Ministry of Health to maintain and improve the health status of the community, especially pregnant women, assist in childbirth and improve the health of mothers and children. Tetanus neonatorum can be fatal in infants, so it is important to take precautions. If symptoms of tetanus neonatorum appear in infants, consult a doctor immediately for proper treatment.


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